Women in Web Weekly Round-up


It’s the weekend, so why not take some time out to catch up on our features this week.

We featured a Q&A with Jean Martin Executive Director of CEB’s HR Practice

We also wanted to remind you not to miss Careercake’s event on 14 June.  Read more here!

This week’s Thursday’s question was:  Do you have job interview coming up? Preparing some well researched questions for the panel can potentially tip the job in your favour. Anyone had experience of this recently? Let us know.

Other intersting articles that caught our attention this week include:

Britain needs more risk takers, says Annoushka Ducas

Harriet Green, the Thomas Cook CEO has boosted share prices by 950% and turned around a failing company.

Game Coding for Girls: MakeGamesWithUs

Coding is an important skill that all children should be taught, and with organisations such as Women Who Code and Girl Develop It making huge strides, I was recently excited to hear from MakeGamesWithUs.

MakeGamesWithUs teach high school and college students to design and code iPhone games through a two month summer academy where they ship their own game to the App Store. Over 250 students have taken the organisation’s in-person courses, and nearly a million students have used their online tutorials since they launched in 2012.

In 2013, only 15% of their students were girls, but 4/5 of award winners at the demo day were girls! This year, MakeGamesWithUs are working with organizations like Women Who Code, Girl Develop It and more to teach more girls to build games through a number of workshops, with the ultimate goal of encouraging girls to apply for their Summer Academy. MakeGamesWithUs are also keen to ensure that  every location has at least one female programming instructor.

The deadline for the Summer Academy is May 3rd and you can find out more about MakeGamesWithUs here. 

Do you know about any similar programmes taking place in Wales or the UK? If so contact us!